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Paying a mortgage remained cheaper than paying rent in most parts of the U.S. This past third quarter, although buyers who make a low downpayment may end up spending more to own than to rent in some areas, per a new ZiLLOW report  of housing costs.

Renters earning the U.S. Median of $53,620 spent 29.9 percent of their income to rent in the third quarter. Buyers who earn the U.S. Median and buy a home costing the Zillow-estimated U.S. Median of $176,500 spent 15.3 percent of their income on the mortgage.

The share of income spent on rent rose from its past second-quarter estimate of 29.5 percent, while the share of income to pay a mortgage stayed the same.

In its analysis, Zillow extracted out first-time buyers who might put down a downpayment as low as 5 percent. Those buyers will spend a little more, about 17 percent, per month…

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              by Brian O’Reilly
Sep 26 2011, 11:12AM

In a recently published study by the Federal Reserve they confirm what millions of American homeowners know first hand and what most professionals in the housing finance industry have known for over a year:  namely, that millions of  American homes are unable to be refinanced – despite historically low interest rates – due largely to the fact that many of these homes are either underwater (meaning the current loans balance exceeds the current property value) or the home’s owners fail to qualify for refinance loans due to tighter credit standards. The Fed’s study would suggest that at least two million American homes are eligible for refinance but for these conditions.

Despite this reality, Washington seems unable to come up with a solution. Prior efforts such as HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program), though well intentioned, quite frankly have failed.  The failure is due in no small part to the fact that the eligibility criteria designed by regulators have been too narrowly defined to accommodate a housing market where values continue to decline and an economy that remains weak at best.

And though efforts are currently underway to design and implement a new refinance program, it is likely that this effort to will fail.  Why? Because Washington wants to put strict conditions on who will qualify for a refinance loan for fear of being accused of encouraging “moral hazard” where certain unworthy home owners benefit from the redesigned refinance program. The details of the “new” refinance program have not yet been published and no deadlines have yet been set for its implementation. As a result, millions of American home owners – most of whom are current on their mortgages, by the way – continue to twist in the wind as interest rates hit new lows nearly every day.

By contrast, I believe it is possible to implement a meaningful refinance program by year-end that is simple to implement, rewards every American that remains current on their mortgage, poses very little risk to encouraging moral hazard, and, most importantly, will inject billions of dollars of free cash flow into our struggling economy.

Here’s how it would work:

  • Mortgage borrowers current on their mortgage for the past 12 months and whose new payment would be at least $50 dollars per month less than their current payment qualify. Period!
  • To be clear, this would apply to borrowers who are owner occupants and investors alike. Moreover, the program would apply to borrowers’ with first and second mortgages as well. If the new payment is less than the combined old payments, they get rolled up and refinanced into a new loan under this program. It’s that simple.

Detractors will surely say “… Oh my God, it can’t be that simple, what about loan-to-value ratios, what about credit scores, what about current employment and income, what about investors who lied on their prior loan applications, what about…, what about …”  To those detractors I say, who cares?  If the goal is to enable American homeowners to take advantage of current interest rates, reduce their current payments and therefore free up cash for use in other parts of the American economy, then why not let them refinance.

For God’s sake, let’s be honest, if someone is managing to make their mortgage payment today at a higher rate – regardless of loan to value, regardless of whether they are employed or have a nickel of savings – then the odds are pretty darn high that they will continue to make their payment if the payment drops.

Of course, nothing is ever this simple, and lenders in today’s business environment  – where their business decisions are being scrutinized at every turn – likely would be very reluctant to originate loans under this limited guideline for fear that in the future some regulator or politician would challenge their lending decision as somehow imprudent.  They also would likely reasonably fear holding these loans on their balance sheets given the implications of such loans to their future financial condition and regulatory capital requirements, among other things.

And undoubtedly, operational bottlenecks from overtaxed servicing and origination platforms will be an issue for the implementation of any sort of plan. However, innovative private sector service providers and solutions exist today to help unburden those organizations and streamline this proposed refinance process.  In fact, under one such solution, the process could be as simple as to only require that borrowers execute a new note or a rider to their existing note.

Even under the most streamlined scenario, however, to make this work – and it can work, the following also would be required:

  1. This limited guideline would need to be memorialized into a new loan program and published by FHA or Fannie and Freddie (or both);
  2. The program should be available only for a limited period  – say for the next twelve (12) months – in recognition of the fact that lenders are already backlogged with refinance requests;
  3. The guideline would need to make clear that the lenders’ only repurchase – or rep and warrant obligation to FHA, Fannie or Freddie – would involve the determination of whether the borrower had been current the past 12 months and whether the new loan payment was lower than the old loan(s). Likewise, large lenders could not impose more onerous rep and warrant standards on smaller lenders originating these loans and from whom they might buy these refinance loans.
  4. Regulators would need to affirm that lenders’ capital or reserve requirements would not need to be increased in any way to account for the unique underwriting characteristics of the loans originated under this program.
  5. A new liquidity mechanism would need to be developed so these loans could be sold by the lenders originating them. For this, we believe that Ginnie Mae should create a new Ginnie III security designed specifically for these loans.  By doing this, the securities would enjoy the full faith and credit of the US Government and would be readily purchased by investors, including foreign ones.

The benefits of such a program if successfully implemented could be significant both to the housing industry and the American economy:

First, for homeowners whose monthly payments would be reduced, that lower payment would function like an immediate tax cut – Americans’ spending power would improve immediately – but with no negative implications to the federal budget;

Second, investors (bondholders), who have interests in the loans being paid off by these refinance loans, would be satisfied at par (or 100%) – though perhaps earlier than they might have otherwise.  However, that is a far better outcome than a situation involving government-sanctioned principal reductions – which in my opinion is nothing less than a government-sanctioned abrogation of contract – and the greatest example of moral hazard – and to be avoided at all costs.

And on that point, let me say, that there should be no government-sanctioned principal reductions under any circumstances. That should be avoided under all circumstances – even where a default and foreclosure would result.

Third, the cost to the government would be virtually zero. Costs would be conditional and would be recognized by the government if and only if borrowers whose loans were refinanced under the program defaulted. To be clear, that is a risk the government already has through its support of Fannie, Freddie, FHA and Ginnie Mae. Surely, it makes sense to reduce that risk by lowering millions of borrowers’ mortgage costs thereby reducing their likelihood of default.

Fourth, and most importantly, but perhaps most intangible, this program would revitalize consumer confidence at a time when it most needs encouragement. It would reward those homeowners who, despite all of their challenges and difficulties, have found a way to keep making their mortgage payments.

If these aren’t the people we should be helping, I don’t know who is.

The Aragone Team is committed to helping people stay n their homes.Feel free to visit http://www.TheAragoneTeam.com and request a free market  analysis or call us at 714-366-6117 .

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The elevated conforming loan limit for mortgages guaranteed or insured by the government will expire on Oct. 1, according to three congressional staffers, but another chance to extend them will come later this year.

Congress raised the limit to as high as $729,750 in 2008 as the private market froze and financing for larger mortgages became unavailable. On Oct. 1, the limits will expire and drop to $625,500 in the most expensive areas, mostly affecting the West and East Coasts. According to Standard & Poor’s, there are around 110,000 nonconforming mortgages in the nation between $625,000 and $729,000 — about 2% of total jumbos.

Two bills to extend the limits, one introduced in the House and another in the Senate, were never voted on. A spokesman for Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.), who co-sponsored the House bill, said an extension did not make it into a short-term spending bill the House will vote on next week.

“We are focusing all of our effort and attention on making sure that a temporary extension of the current conforming loan limits is included in an omnibus spending bill that it appears the House and Senate will consider late this year,” Campbell’s spokesman said.

Another staffer confirmed top leadership in the House had been trying to work the conforming loan limits into the spending bill ahead of the Oct. 1 deadline. Such a route had to come from the House, the staffer said. Yet another told HousingWire the odds of getting an extension after the limits expire were very long.

Industry trade groups pushed hard this past week, urging lawmakers to extend the limits at a time when the housing market is still fragile.

The Obama administration said in its white paper released in February that the first step toward winding down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be to allow the loan limits to expire in October, allowing private capital to move back in.

Jaret Seiberg, a research analyst at the Washington think tank MF Global, said in a note that the expiration allows the largest banks to restart their securitization businesses.

“The real issue is whether investor demand has returned for private-label RMBS. We believe regulators have some doubts, but would like banks to test the waters,” Seiberg said.

Seiberg did say many borrowers could be forced to come up with higher down payments, and smaller banks will shy away from originating jumbo loans. Some analysts expect house prices to fall even further without the government support at the highest end of the market.

“We expect to see significant negative consequences for the struggling housing market as a result of the limit drop after Oct. 1,” Campbell’s office said. “Therefore, it will be even more pressing and pertinent that Congress acts quickly to reverse the limit reduction at the next opportunity.”

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How Financial Reform Impacts Homeowners and Buyers

July 19, 2010—“Homeowners and buyers who are sitting on the sidelines should get moving today, unless they want to get blindsided by the impact of a new law,” said Gibran Nicholas, Chairman of the CMPS Institute, an organization that trains and certifies mortgage bankers and brokers. “The massive financial reform law that just passed Congress has two main components that could very negatively impact homeowners and home buyers in the future.”

Harder to qualify for a mortgage
“The new law dictates certain guidelines that lenders must follow when making loans,” Nicholas said. “Some of these guidelines are simply a copy of the current situation. However, now that the guidelines are built into law, lenders will find it even more difficult to loosen their guidelines once the economy and housing market improves.” For example, consider a business owner with a very high 750 credit score, plenty of equity in their home, no history of late payments, and plenty of cash in the bank. If this responsible homeowner experienced a loss in their business last year, they may be prevented from qualifying for a home mortgage under the new law because of the temporary decline in income from their business. The new law requires lenders to document a borrower’s income, but it does not specifically state the terms under which loans can be made. “Regulators may address this ambiguity when writing the regulations implementing the law,” Nicholas said. “However, if they don’t, many lenders will be tempted to tighten their guidelines even further in order to err on the side of caution and stay in compliance with the new law.”

Higher mortgage rates
“There are two sections of the law that will cause mortgage rates to increase in the future,” Nicholas said. “The new law requires lenders to keep a 5% stake in the mortgages they originate unless the loans meet a certain criteria. This means that lenders won’t be able to offload some of the higher risk associated with these loans, and interest rates on these types of loans will go up.” For example, homeowners who have had financial or credit challenges due to divorce or bankruptcy, business owners with fluctuating income, and other homeowners and buyers who fall “outside the box” may need to pay higher rates on their home loans in the future. “Also, the future of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac remains uncertain,” Nicholas said. “The market doesn’t like uncertainty, and mortgage rates could go a lot higher in the future depending on when and how the issue of Fannie and Freddie is resolved.”

“To be clear, there are a few positive elements to the bill,” Nicholas said. “These include consumer protections involving pre-payment penalties and loans originated in states that have laws that prohibit lenders from pursuing judgments against homeowners who owe more than the value of their homes. However, the main takeaway for homeowners and buyers is that mortgage rates are currently very low, and lending guidelines are not as bad as they could be once the new law goes into effect. This means that if you can qualify for a mortgage now, you should do so, and not gamble your homeownership goals on the future impact of the new law.”

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